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Tuesday 30 December 2014

Holidays & blood sugar

During the holidays I'm usually calmer & less streesed (at least I don't have to think about gazillion exams, projects & exams results that are waiting for me the next day like a big dark cloud over my happiness...ok I'm usually not that poetic wow haha) and we all know that stress can pretty much mess up your blood sugar. So it's kind of weird that I actually have higher blood sugar & I need more insulin than on school days. Happened to anyone else? I was thinking about it & I got an idea what may be the cause. You see I go to zumba twice a week. I know it has nothing to do with the subject, but zumba is awesome!! It's just twice a week, one hour and you just dance to some latino tunes & jump around like crazy and if you take your friend with you than it's a big party! ;) Anyways, I realized that those zumba classes don't impact only my sugar blood for that evening (I can eat more carbs yay), but for a few days. So now that I'm having holidays, there aren't any zumba classes & it shows in my blood sugar. :( Instead of just accepting it, I started power walking. Yes, you read right, a few times a day (it depends on what I eat & how is my blood sugar) I just go power walking around a living room. I take my IPod and those 10 minutes pass by soo fast, I even do a little hand dance from time to time haha, so it's an exercise for my arms as well. :) And it really helps! I know Americans have diffrent units for blood sugar, but once it fell for 50% just from 20 minutes of power walking! Yes, so get some new tunes & don't worry anymore about those horribel high blood sugars. :)


Sunday 28 December 2014


Yesterday it was snowing for the first time this year. Yes, I was super excited but also, why couldn't it snow just one week earlier? Seriously, I can't remember when we had the last white Christmas! And we know Christmas isn't Christmas without snow. I remember one year when we had snow whole december & then it was raining on Christmas & the whole holidays. Guess what? Yes, in January we had snow again. That made me wonder if weather likes to mess with us. But on the other hand it has ALL the right, since shat everything we've done to this planet. Before holidays we watched this amazing film in English class. Amazing, true & very very sad. I'm gonna give you the link if i find it. It really makes you think. But before I completely depress you, let's remeber some wonderful things about snow. :)
1. The cozy feeling when you're in the warm insinde & you take a look outside where snowflakes are falling down. 
2. You can drink hot cocoa, light a candel & read a good book (Let it snow, let me tell you this book is awesome!! oh and christmas baking candels aren't bad at all either haha)
3. Everything looks much prettier in white! You can go for a walk to the city center or even better if you live in a country side you can go on a nice walk to the nearest forest, so magical!
4. Sporst maniacs (just kidding, i'm kind of like this too) have better conditions for skiing, snow boarding, ice skating...etc.
So actually everything's better with snow & I'm so happy that it finally snowed! It took me a lot of sentences to figure that out, huh? 
Thank you for reading this, just thoughts of a weird teenager haha :)
 cute, isn't it? the view from my balcony *-*